Welcome to Synergy Sports & Athletic Training. We are a nonprofit organization created to teach young athletes and parents the importance of proper training to reduce the risk of injury, mental fatigue / burn out and to reach peak performance. Our holistic approach and training techniques are individually constructed to the specific athlete as no two athletes are the same. We cater to young women and under privilege youth, although we will work with any athlete that needs our assistance. We are a sports training and consulting organization.
Our belief is that there is a synergy of mind, body and soul that must be present for an athlete to reach their peak performance. The best example of this philosophy is Tom Brady who has mastered the holistic form of training. We touch on proper physical training and recovery, mental preparation and recovery, spiritual calmness, and focus.
In years past young athletes were encouraged to try and participate in various sports prior to focusing on just one which normally occurred around their junior year in high school. With the emergence of travel originations many parents are having their young athlete focus on one sport at a very early age. In addition, these young athletes are going to specialized trainers to learn specific skills. For example, young basketball players are training 2-3 times per week with a skills coach in addition to practicing 2-3 times per week with their travel team. Most teams participate in travel tournaments at least every other week. This rigorous routine is common for many sports, baseball, football, girls’ softball, volleyball, and basketball & the list is endless. At many of these competitive events parents are often very expressive with their high expectations of their athlete and it becomes a very high stress environment.
The scenarios described above are far too common and there are many vital aspects of proper training that are being ignored, missed, or overlooked.
Our Philosophy was born from witnessing many young athletes fall short because of injury, burnout and mental health break downs never reaching their true potential or peak performance level.
Here is a list of training methods we explore:
The first area of importance in the athlete’s mental state. We focus a lot of our energy into the why! Why does the young person want to play sports? is the young person choosing to play a particular sport? We may refer athletes to counselors and sports psychologist to keep a clear balance.
In addition to balancing mental health, we teach young athletes how to develop and grow a wining mindset using various proven techniques like visualization, performing mental repetition of a skill, yoga stretching and vision boards.
We work to connect athletes with mentors to share experiences.
We encourage young athletes to cross train by playing multiple sports until they are at least freshman in high school. Many young athletes are so specialized in their sport and training that many of their core muscles are not developing at the same rate as the muscles used in their sport. This emplacement of over training certain muscle groups while ignoring others will result in injury.
We teach various breathing techniques that help mental focus, increases recovery when fatigued and maximize oxygen to the muscles during performance.
We teach proper warm up techniques and stretching.
Many young athletes are not taught how to recover from strenuous activity allowing the body to heal. We teach the importance of incorporating icing, compression, and message therapy into their training. There are many tools and techniques that can be utilized in the recovery phase.
We believe for an athlete to reach peak performance their spirit must be in a good place. We explore the athletes’ relationships with family and friends, their feelings and interactions on social media and their progress in school. To reach peak performance each athlete must find peace in mind and spirit.
We do not sell any training equipment or products as part of our service. Our focus is helping young people to prosper. We advise, consult and train so that young athletes and parents can have a more joyful and fulfilling experience. We will be expanding our website soon with links to various resources that are in line with our mission.